WMD Team Enters Canberra Sri Chinmoy Triple Tri 2004
Nine members of the WMD team completed the nine legs of the triple triathlon. The end result was placing 68 out of 146 teams, considering most of the competitors would sit comfortably in the category of "fanatics" - I would say our placement was respectable. However the team was largely pulled up by the swimmers, maintained by the bikers and bought back to reality by the runners.
The athletes concerned were:
- Greg Brewer: swim 1
- Graham Tanton: bike 1
- Pete Docwra: run 1
- Tom Brewer: swim 2
- Mark Barrett: ride 2
- Scott Kristiansen: run 2
- Abby Clarke: swim 3
- Craig Iverach: ride 3
- Mick Brewer (captain): run 3
I wasn't able to get up early enough to catch Greg swimming in Lake Ginninderra, and I didn't always have the camera in hand to capture Pete or Mark coming in or Mark - apologies for that. If anyone has any photos send them in and I'll post them up.
Note that we were categorised under NEW - Not Enough Women, I've always thought that was situation normal!